自律型学習キット Autonomous learning kit

Ninshô of 13th century, Era of Kamakura

Who is Ninshô ?

Ninsho is a medieval priest who lived in the 13th century, in the Kamakura period.

He was admired in his lifetime because he saved the sick, the poor and abandoned people and animals.

He directed the works to construct buildings, bridges, roads, wells and ports.

It was a super hero of charity who played multiple roles during his life.

For us who live in the 21st century, the works realized by this brave and tremendous Ninsho are rich in inspiration and ideas.

all year
about 4 hours

(For a group of more than 15 people, a preferential charge will be applied. )



As a part of our autonomous learning kit, you will have a preliminary online course that gives you all the secrets to making the most of the charm of  your destination.


On the day of  your walk, you will follow the trail game which will give you Ninshô’s message at the end. There, you will guide your-self on the spot with the Old Fashioned Map of Kamakura Today.

Autonomous learning kit(Textbook for Study in advance, Exercise Book for the Day of Trip, The Old Fashioned Map of Kamakura Today)
Poem of Sanetomo
Ancienne Former location of Kuwagayatsu Hospital
Great Buddha
Hasedera of Kamakura


1日目 Preliminary course:learn before arriving at the destination

You will follow the course of approximately 1 hour in English on Ninshô following «Textbook for Study in advance » (8 pages) that our company has created.

After your registration, we will send you the necessary number of copies of the «Textbook for Study in advance » by mail. If you wish to receive them at the hotel of your stay or at the Tourist Office of Kamakura., we can send it by e-mail in PDF format.

The preliminary course will be given online. After you schedule a class appointment via email, we will send you a zoom meeting link.

The course will be given by one of our agency’s guides.

2日目 The Day of Trip:experience the world of Ninshô following the trail game

Receiving at home or at the hotel of your stay or at the Tourist Office of Kamakura, on the day of the walk, each of you will have « Exercise Book for the Day of Trip » at your disposal.

Your mission is to visit the 17 tracks while looking for the right answers.

This book contains quizzes about Ninshô, about the History and about the culture of the time.

« The Old Fashioned Map of Kamakura Today» will help you find directions to discover destinations. At the end of your journey, you will know Ninshô's message.

Some of these quizzes are made public on the site of the local virtual coin of the Kamakura city « Kuruppo » to incite us to make a comparison between the works of Ninsho and the Sustainable Development Goals. You will be able to also obtain « Kuruppo » like this.

Ryozen-yama hill
Great Buddha
Kousoku-ji temple
Hasedera temple
Jojuin temple
Gokurakuji temple
«The Old Fashioned Map of Kamakura Today » invites you to launch into the adventure to discover the works of Ninsho.
PDF brochure

What’s included in the autonomous learning kit

  • « Textbook for Study in advance » (for the number of  participants)
  • Preliminary online course
  • « Exercise Book for the Day of Trip »(for the number of  participants)

It is possible to command several copies of « The Old Fashioned Map of Kamakura Today ».(1100¥ per copie)

Transportation expenses, entrance fees for the temples (300¥+ 400¥+ 300¥) are to be allowed besides these charges.

Documents and the lecture

After your payment, you will receive by post the 2 documents for the number of participants and one or several copies of the Map, either in your home(abroad or in Japan) or at the hotel of your stay. It is also possible to receive them at the Tourist Office of Kamakura.

Furthermore, you will be able to follow your on line lecture either at home or at the hotel of your stay.

Modality of payment

We will send you by email contact@jikan-ryoko.jo the bill or the URL link to settle the charges of participation, either by a bank transfer or by a credit card.

Preferential charge for groupes

For a group of more than 15 people, a preferential charge of 2200¥ per person will be applied.

Please contact us if you would like to organize a training or an outing or a trip of your school.


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忍性 Ninshô ツアー 1-1-jr(終了)

自律型学習キット Autonomous learning kit | 2023-02-16 00:17:39
忍性 Ninshô ツアー 1-1-jr(終了)

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